The Pounds and Ounces Cafe is located in the heart of the Royal Hobart Hospital. With in-house roasted coffee and healthy menu options, makes it the comfortable stop-over for visitors, staff and residents.
Bright, light space full of textures & colour at Pounds and Ounces Café. There’s a spot for everyone in our thoughtfully designed seating area. Designed with the beautiful Tasmanian landscape in mind: sky and water blues, landscape greens, Tasmanian flora and earth tones.
The pandemic has made it exceptionally difficult for cafes to operate and the need for interior materiality to be wipeable, cleanable and durable to sustain throughout these heavy demands. Baresque vinyls meet this standard and cassidy was applied to seating areas to provide a warm and welcoming refresh to the space.
Browse our range of Vinyl and Faux Leathers or contact us to discuss your project’s needs today.